
Reliable Accounting & Bookkeeping Services in Plano:(972) 242-5700 | Garland:(972) 271-8700 | Flower Mound:(214) 222-5234 Get Started

Assured Bookkeeping and Tax Service provides with extensive Tax Preparation and Tax Planning services to our clients in Carrollton and Garland specifically, and DFW in general. In addition to meeting quarterly and annual deadlines, we guide our clients throughout the year as their business and circumstances change. We work proactively on tax planning to achieve tremendous results for our clients, working together as a cohesive team to reduce the tax burdens of our individual and business clients.

Assured professionals are experienced in all aspects of tax preparation, planning, compliance and negotiation with state and federal taxing authorities. We proactively study the changing laws and business environment, and assist our clients with making informed decisions in concert with individual and business goals. We offer high-level planning and consulting for business owners, and we also serve the tax planning and tax preparation needs of individuals. Our philosophy of regular meetings with clients allows us to form a close relationship with the client, that consistently focuses on every detail of their individual circumstances. We strive to identify tax saving opportunities and then work with the client to implement tax strategies to their benefit.

Just moved to the DFW? We can welcome you to DFW by helping to prepare your out of state tax returns. As a new arrival to DFW, you may qualify for special deductions related to job search and home closing costs.

We can also file amendments for previous year to correct any mistakes, or to get higher refund.

  • We guarantee fast and reliable tax returns.
  • Same day service in most cases
  • Walk in services available during business hours.
  • You can also schedule an appointment with one of our highly dedicated and well trained income tax experts.
  • You can also drop off all your tax related documents and we will take care of the rest.

Guaranteed Refunds!

We guarantee largest possible refunds that you are entitled to, based on your tax situation.

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